Psychology Quiz II App
Psychology is the study of behavior and mind, embracing all aspects of human experience. It is an academic discipline and an applied science which seeks to understand individuals and groups by establishing general principles and researching specific cases.
- Very comprehensive
- App format helps in learning faster
- Must for students
- None
Physiology Quiz II App
This is an MCQs app for physician and medical aspirants to test the knowledge in physiology. This educational app is made very comprehensively. This app is a great help for students preparing for entrance exams of higher education in Physiology. This Physiology app is strongly recommended to all Physiology aspirants.
- Very comprehensive
- App format helps in learning faster
- Must for Physiology aspirants
- None
Health Psychology App
Health Psychology is a discipline related to understanding of scientific relations among psychological factors, behavior and physical health and illness. The field interfaces among biological, psycho-social, social and behavioral factors in health.
- Very comprehensive
- App format helps in learning faster
- Must for students
- None
Psychology Quiz App
Psychology Quiz is a great MCQs app for teachers and students to test their knowledge on various sub-disciplines of psychology. It’s highly recommended for students preparing for entrance exams of higher education in Psychology.
- Very comprehensive with rich set of questions
- App format helps in learning faster
- None
Physiology Quiz I App
It is a MCQs app for physician and medical students to test the knowledge in physiology. It’s very comprehensive and availability of an in depth explanation to correct response makes it easier to understand the concepts. This is highly recommended app for students preparing for entrance exams of higher education in Physiology.
- Very comprehensive with rich set of questions
- Explanation to every correct response
- Diagrams included wherever required
- App format helps in learning faster
- None
Speed Up Math App
It is a great educational app to improve mental calculation skill.
- Increases calculation skills extremely fast if used daily
- Timer is add on to start from easy and further practice with shorter duration to speed up.
- Options ranging from single to triple digits mode is wonderful.
- Only limited to add, subtract, divide and multiply